We are now taking takeout orders via the Tock system and arranging pickups at our location at 122 Fountain St. We are also now taking walk up orders at our front door. This allows us to provide a contact free experience, and maintain a level of safety for our staff and guests that we feel comfortable with. We decided to do this after going to the supermarkets and while they weren’t mobbed, they were busy, and there were no protections in place. No additional sanitation in the checkouts, no social distancing. And realizing if we can offer a safe, no contact system, we can help spread the sources of food in peoples life, and make our community safer.
If you don’t have access to a credit card that is needed for the tock system, please email me at [email protected] and we’ll work something out.
We’ll be starting with some north classics and a few seasonal dishes, along with beer, wine and sake, but will be expanding the menu over time. (update: we now offer a full line of frozen and non frozen cocktails!)
Meal pickups will be staggered every fifteen minutes, with only one pickup every fifteen minutes. If you can’t make your pickup time, please let me know via email. Pickups will happen outside of north during nice weather, or just inside during rain. If there is someone else present to pickup a meal when you arrive, please maintain a six foot distance between you and them. We are now also taking walk up orders, so if you don’t see a slot just walk up to our window and we’ll make it as quick as we can.
A link to the preorder website is here: Takeout